5th Grade Projects

The Quilts of Gee's Bend

These works of art are inspired by the amazing quilts of the rural African American community, Gee’s Bend, Alabama.  Originally a plantation in the 19th century, the female slaves pieced together pieces of cloth and old clothing to make bedcovers.  As the tradition grew from the 19th into the 20th century, these improvisational and simple geometric quilts, made to keep themselves and their children warm, resembled 20th century abstract painting more than just African textile art.  These women were not intending to make art, but rather they were doing what was necessary to survive in shacks without heat, running water or electricity. In recent history, these quilts were discovered by the greater public and were exhibited in art museums across the country.

With this miraculous story in mind, the 5th graders set out to create quilt pieces in a similar fashion.  Our first step was to bring in old and used clothing from home. After choosing and cutting pieces of cloth, the students hand-stitched the compositions using only needles and thread. The resulting quilts are a symbol of beauty, spirit, and resilience.