St. Paul’s Art Exhibition 2020

Welcome to our 2020 St. Paul’s Virtual Art Show! We are honored to be sharing some of the amazing expressions of art from our students this year. We are so proud of the effort, openness and spirit that they have shown which can be seen in these finished and in-process pieces of art! Please join us in celebrating our amazing student artists by scrolling down through the various grade projects. Enjoy!

8th Grade
|Mr. Vora and Ms. Reed|

Silk Screened political/social/environmental posters

In groups of 3 and 4, the 8th grade students were given the task of creating social/political/environmental posters using the technique of silk screening. Much of our initial discussion focused on current events ranging from topics such as racial inequality to the environment. The first phase was to have group planning sessions, generating ideas and sketches that could lend itself to this assigned theme as well the complex process of silk screening.  When the hand-drawn plans were finished to scale, the students proceeded to cut stencils out of contact paper which would be applied to the screen. The finished posters reflect multiple hours of printing sessions using different colored inks and custom made stencils. 

7th Grade
|Mr. Vora and Ms. REED|

gridded self portraits

The 7th grade students drew self-portraits of themselves using the grid method, drawing lines and shapes square by square as it corresponds to their photograph. After laying out the portrait in pencil, the students ambitiously invented designs and patterns within the squares, paying close attention to multiple values of light as well as creative choices in color.

6th Grade
|Mr. Vora and Ms. Reed|

one point architectural perspective renderings

6th grade students learned how to draw a one point perspective using a vanishing point and only 3 types of lines: vertical lines, horizontal lines, and diagonal lines that go to the vanishing point. After drawing the perspective, the students created the illusion of objects falling from the sky! A cross-hatching rendering lesson was the final touch applied with colored pencils.

5th GRade
|Ms. Reed|


Islamic tile designs are not only endless in variety, but full of mathematical precision and sacred meaning. Students found inspiration after seeing examples in architecture of the geometry of these intricate Islamic designs. Using a compass and ruler, they created an original tessellation that is repeated to make a pattern. It started as a drawing and then transferred to two separate tiles. One was made with string and one a relief on foam. These overlap to create two layers of their design. How many shapes can you see hidden in these artworks? See process photos at the bottom of the page!

4th Grade
|Mr. Vora|

grayscale value paintings

There are endless tones of gray between the colors black and white.  The 4th grade students explored mixing several tones of gray before completing an entire painting by only using black and white paint.  The subjects of these paintings are inspired by photographs. 


3rd grade
|Mr. Vora|

Wayne thiebaud dessert paintings

Holding up a picture of Wayne Thiebaud’s paintings in class always gets “ooh’s” and “ahh’s” and “I’m hungry!” That’s because they are the most creamy, delicious paintings of desserts.  After studying Thiebaud’s works and analyzing his techniques, the students proceeded to paint their own dessert paintings with a very selective color palette and thick, goopy, acrylic paint.  In class, we studied creating 3D shapes and placing shadows! Can you see the cool purple shadows in some of these paintings?

2nd Grade
|Ms. Scroggs, Ms. Rincon, Mr. Allen|

Sculptures Inspired by yayoi kusama

In second grade, we learned about the artist Yayoi Kusama, who is known for covering all of her art in dots. The students made these sculptures out of thick wire, wood blocks, and nylons. They bent the wire into interesting shapes, and then attached it to the wood and covered the whole thing in the foot of a nylon. The sculptures were then painted white and covered in dots.

1st Grade
|Ms. Mungal, Ms. Walker, Mr. herd|

Rad women a-z portraits

This year for Social Studies the 1st graders read the book Rad American Women A-Z by Kate Schatz. The Rad Women that the students learned about spans several centuries and multiple professions. These women were changemakers. Each 1st-grade class learned about 13 women and created their own Rad Women book. 1B focused on the women that represented A-M and 1A focused on the women that represented N-Z. The students even included a dedication in their book to a special rad woman in their life.

|Ms. Toliver, Ms. Michahelles, mr. Edil|

We are enough

Inspired by the beautiful book by Grace Byers, our narrator describes what in nature she is like and what she is here on this earth to do. In the end, we learn that our skin, our eyes, our hair, our frame, or our differences do not dictate our worth. We all have places on this earth. We are enough!

art Class | ASP Art | Steam

Take a peek into exciting and fun art projects this year in ASP with Ms. Campbell and Mr. Polk, STEAM classes with Ms. TF, and other in-process and finished projects with Ms. Reed and Mr. Vora’s classes!